Sunday, 25 February 2018

A month on.

Hi Gang! Hope your all well!

Just checking in! January and February have been practice months for me I’ve been trying to get myself motivated and into the right headspace to be 100% committed to my socials! I broke my wrist early feb ughhhh  I still have a month left in a cast hopefully it’s all healed properly by the time I have my cast off!

 I bought a new wig in January I got that from I really like it but I don’t totally love it! It’s a really thick wig and it’s dark coloured, where as lately I’m used to being very blonde & short and I’m actually digging being light! It makes my eyes pop (well I think so anyway) I do want to get a shortish brunette wig sort of Kim k lob style okay okay I want to be her 😅 I love that we’re almost in spring outfits can can be more summery if you like, t shirts not having to wear a coat whose excited? I am!! summer is what I’m really longing for at the moment it’s just so bloody cold! We’re expecting snow too! There’s always so much more to look forward to when it’s warmer I can’t wait to be able to wear sandals again. 

I’m going to be posting more outfits and what I like to wear etc! I don’t really have a fashion I follow I sort of make it up as I go along, I do look and the Kardashians Jenner’s for inspiration as they do look cool and different a lot of the time! But I’m me and I put twists on it and I think it’s time I can share my “looks” with you and what wigs I pair with outfits etc! Which is why I’m soooooo excited for summer so I can do glowy dewy make up & go shopping for all new bits. I usually shop in stores as I dread if I order things and they don’t fit dont get me wrong on the rare occasion I order from pretty little thing or misguided but I do prefer to shop in store, so I need to venture somewhere with some really cool shops! leave a comment where you like to do your shopping! 

This is just a little update of what I’ve been up to & what I plan to do in the next few weeks! Keep an eye on my Instagram for daily posts! ALSO outfits will be on 21 buttons if you haven’t got the app DOWNLOAD it. 

Love you all 

Gray x

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Oh Hi 2018.

Hey loves, 

As I sit hear listening to my spotify playlist trying to get over my writers block, I thought i'd welcome 2018 to my blog 25 days late.. typical Gray. 

so AGAIN i've been M.I.A work, life you know it gets in the way.. it's so inconvinient!!  i'm only messing haha it is what it is isnt it? I hope your all well? things have started looking up recently,although I've been struggling abit with the alopecia side of things, but I guess it all takes time, I'll get there in time..

Who misses christmas? cause I certainly do.. its literally my most favourite time of year I love the dark cosy nights call my craaazy. aside from christmas new year & what not, I am looking forward to getting into 2018, im hoping for lots of exciting things to get up to me and Dale have a trip to Marbella planned as he's filming a wedding there how boujee! It's a big year for Dale Rook Films this year i'm so proud of how far Dale has come hard weeerrk right there!

I have a check list for 2018: 
Reading festival (Its my happy place ok? haha) 
Pass my driving test - (its a must)
Buy lots of wigs (i need a closet for them) 
Get the body I long for (i can do it i can do it)
Go on more than one HOT holiday
City break 
earn lots of dollaaa. (I WILL BE RICH;)) 

there is more but you'll have to wait and see for the rest. 

I'm kind of glad to see the back of 2017, it was a tough year, lots of ups & downs. I Lost my hero my Gramps. who I miss incredibly but I know he's with me Everyday. I hope I'm making him proud. 

This blog post was a little all over the place, I just wanted to check in with you all see how your all doing etc. I feel good about this year I hope you all do too! 

keep an eye out on my Facebook Youtube & Instagram for some cool things coming up! 

Love you all 

Gray x
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